Icons are licensed under GNU General Public License v3. Give CREDIT by linking back to the creator If you like my work, buy me a Drink. PayPal: www.paypal.me/ilnanny The software used for drawing and coloring are: Inkscape. ( inkscape.org/ ) Include icons for Oblogout Download and extract into "~/.themes " for your user tar xzvf Lila-HD-icon-theme.tar.gz -C ~/.themes/ or into "/usr/share/themes/" for all users " use su or sudo " tar xzvf Lila-HD-icon-theme.tar.gz -C /usr/share/themes/ Install from github (recommended) ** All commands will be executed as root or use sudo ** *Remove older Version For Lila_HD_Icon_Theme: rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Blue rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Dark rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Green rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Kaki rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Light-Grey rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Crimson rm -rf /usr/share/icons/Lila_HD_Purple *Clone Repo: git clone github.com/ilnanny/Lila-HD-ico… *Copy folder in your directory: cp -r Lila-HD-icon-theme/Lila_HD /usr/share/icons/ cp -r Lila-HD-icon-theme/Lila_HD_Blue /usr/share/icons/ cp -r Lila-HD-icon-theme/Lila_HD_Dark /usr/share/icons/ cp -r Lila-HD-icon-theme/Lila_HD_Green /usr/share/icons/ cp -r Lila-HD-icon-theme/Lila_HD_Kaki /usr/share/icons/ cp -r Lila-HD-icon-theme/Lila_HD_Light-Grey /usr/share/icons/ cp -r Lila-HD-icon-theme/Lila_HD_Purple /usr/share/icons/ cp -r Lila-HD-icon-theme/Lila_HD_Crimson /usr/share/icons/ cp -r Lila-HD-icon-theme/Lila_HD-cursor /usr/share/icons/ mv /usr/share/icons/default /usr/share/icons/default-bk *Making of icon cache for Lila-HD-icon-theme: (optional) cd Lila-HD-icon-theme/ sh icon-cache-maker.sh *Remove downloaded folder: rm -rf Lila-HD-icon-theme ======================================================================================== Acknowledgments: Valerio Pizzi == Pival81 == creator and maintainer of packages for Archlinux, Fedora and OpenSuse. NoobsLab == NoobsLab == creator and maintainer of packages for Ubuntu and Linux-Mint . Youtube Inkscape OpenDesktopLila HD icon theme are licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 +fav +fav +fav +fav +fav --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on September 11 2019 8:49 PM - not an SVG tool.
Simple, ubuntu-style-colors and dark image of leaves on a branch.
I used a few Sashiko patterns to make this. Still learning Inkscape so I don't have the background color exactly how I wanted.
Es el logo modificado para utilizarlo en el Club de Cine de la Unidad Académica de Física de la UAZ.
Architecture,city , tower , building , flat , home , house , iso city , isocity , isometric , townhouse.
Knob and scale usage to design a realistic looking knob usually found in instrumentation and measurement laboratories, and for modern day Virtual instrumentation that has computer screen dashboards can use this. Useful if any is building foss scada, dcs, control systems and panels.
4 Logotipos que realice para los equipos de futbol de mi localidad.
The classic Hogwarts crest, with corresponding colors. -orginal picture from Google Images -retouched with GNU Image Manipulation Program (aka Linux Photoshop)
Number 43 with a stain of blood in form of the country Mexico, to for remember the bloody events by passing Mexico.
Flyer created for Linux Presentation Day, Germany, November 14th 2015. Original svg file in English and German (German version contains info that is relevant for people in and around Kiel) can be found at github: https://github.com/Moini/Linux-Flyer
This is a small area that was filled with the Persimmon Flower Sashiko stitch. I created this with the Sashiko extension.
Wings Of Freedom
Simple coffee logo, black and white, minimalist --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on August 27 2024 12:14 AM
This is a logo for an Online IDE I made using ReactJs. For the lack of a better name I named I present to you "Just Run It" :)
A cute duck I plan to animate Project inspo: Clippie Visual inspo: canva piece
My self-represented icon for my radio show, this was the first ever ting I have made in Inkscape.
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? with host Jeremy Clarkson
Las manzanas te mejoran tus glóbulos sanguíneos
A wallpaper depicting some of the advanced strength/statics calisthenics exercises.
Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
low poly based design for conky ui,ux for GNU/Linux based distro.