Beginners' Questions RE: can Inkscape files be used in other drawing programs like Photoshop or Corel, w/o losing image integrity whatsoever?
  1. #1
    MCVectahz MCVectahz @MCVectahz


    As the Subject line suggests, I would like to know if Inkscape files can be saved and opened into other drawing programs for editing and then brought back into Inkscape for re-tooling whenever I like.  Do I need to save it as a certain file (i.e. .jpg) and then open it in Photoshop and then continue the process back into Inkscape, WITHOUT losing image quality?

    If anyone could help I it would be greatly appreciated.  

    If I can get help with my concerns, as I'm new to Inkscape, I'm happy to make donations towards a good product and a good community of members. :)

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    Not exactly.

    Vector objects may maintain their dimension/geometry in other programs, but each every program handles the vector and style information in their own way.

    Similarly, bitmap images typically suffer shifts and degradation when bounced between programs.

    That said, there are ways to reduce conversion idiosyncrasies, by using linked bitmap images within Inkscape and editing those in Gimp/Photoshop/Corel. Not sure if you're looking to edit vectors outside of Inkscape.

  3. #3
    MCVectahz MCVectahz @MCVectahz

    Hi Tyler,

    Thanks for the prompt reply.  I'm looking for a program that does free hand vector drawing as I like the clean scalable lines (I think Inkscape does free-hand vector), but I need a program that can also allow me to do fine detail coloring, drawing and shading within those vector lines; a vector/bitmap hybrid.  Do you know any programs that do both? 
    If not, then yes, I'm looking for editing vectors outside of Inkscape.  Maybe I have to do the entire vector "lines/outlines" in Inkscape, but then moved the finished product into a program where I can "fill in", if that makes sense. 


  4. #4
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    As noted, if the images are linked rather than embedded, Gimp can be simultaneously used to edit bitmap content and it will be seen inside Inkscape.

    For both bitmap and vector in the same application, Corel and Affinity Designer come to mind.

  5. #5
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    There's a FOSS solution for this. Install Krita and create a new "file layer" linked to an Inkscape svg drawing, which you can then paint over. When you update and save the svg in Inkscape, your changes will be reproduced in Krita.

    This works in the opposite direction too. Export Krita drawing layers as png bitmaps and import these as linked images in Inkscape. Updates from Krita will be automatically rendered in Inkscape.

  6. #6
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    I should also point out that Krita can import svg files into a "vector layer", retaining the editable geometry. The vector editing tools are reasonably good but nowhere near as sophisticated as Inkscape's. 

  7. #7
    Sofia Lucas Sofia Lucas @sofialucas

    Thank you paddy. I was also looking for the solution, and I hope this will work.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions RE: can Inkscape files be used in other drawing programs like Photoshop or Corel, w/o losing image integrity whatsoever?