Snap Object Points

Scott PakinSnap Object Points

Scott Pakin

Snap nearby points across two or more paths to their average coordinates. This extension can be used to help interlock adjacent shapes like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

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Offset Paths

Mario VoigtOffset Paths

Mario Voigt

Create offset for open or closed paths. Python library "pyclipper" needs to be installed. Use "Flatten Bezier" extension in advance of this plugin. Docs:

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vpypetools - vpype for Inkscape

Mario Voigtvpypetools - vpype for Inkscape

Mario Voigt

vpype is a command processor working with SVG files. It can do a lot of productive steps to optimize files for different purposes like pen plotting, laser cutting or the generation of creative artwork. vpype is really powerful and helps to extend Inkscape feature capability. vpype contains a lot of functionality which is included natively within Inkscape. The extension "vpype for Inkscape" does not deal with all features but with a set of important commands like linemerge, linesort, linesimplify, occult, etc. We can use it to shorten tool path lengths, remove hiddenlines and so on. vpype converts all elements into simple SVG elements like svg:line, svg:polyline and svg:polygon. They can be displayed properly in Inkscape, but they have no knot handles to edit (see We need to convert those elements to svg:path using key combination CTRL + SHIFT + C ("object to path"; do not use "stroke to path" because it will duplicate your outline with inset and outset contours). Our extension allows to do this conversion automatically. Documentation:

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Animate Order

Mario VoigtAnimate Order

Mario Voigt

Create animated SVG preview file and show it in browser. Helps to quickly evaluate line order for cutting processes. Details: Please also check out Maren's extension:

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