I hope all of you are doing well, in spite of Covid. I just got my second shot, so I'm potentially good. I just uploaded Tutorial 16. It comes in two parts, which is my wont these days. I have never drawn hair before. Not only that, I have never a person before. So, I share with all of you my first time drawing a person, and one who is not follically challenged! It was (and still is) a great challenge, and yet with Inkscape, I can meet it head-on. The tutorials are at:
Hi Everybody,
I hope all of you are doing well, in spite of Covid. I just got my second shot, so I'm potentially good. I just uploaded Tutorial 16. It comes in two parts, which is my wont these days. I have never drawn hair before. Not only that, I have never a person before. So, I share with all of you my first time drawing a person, and one who is not follically challenged! It was (and still is) a great challenge, and yet with Inkscape, I can meet it head-on. The tutorials are at:
The table of contents is at:
I wish everybody fun with this material and if it adds to your armada of skills, excellent!
Best springtide wishes to one and all,