Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials Helpful Hints for Inkscape - 200+ pages of step-by-step tutorials
  1. #1
    Chris Hildenbrand Chris Hildenbrand @SpriteAttack

    This is a collection of step-by-step tutorials created to help visualize answers to questions on social media. I hope that they are still helpful without the context of the question or problem they were created for.

    As these responses were created over several years and on a wide range of topics, I tried to organize them in a way that made sense [to me]. Some tutorials appear in several sections. I considered them helpful on more than just one topic.
    I added links to more advanced tutorials I wrote and YouTube video tutorials recorded.

    The skill level of these hints varies from beginner to intermediate. It helps to have an understanding of the program and its tools. It's NOT a beginner guide or workbook [but I am working on one at the moment].

    I hope you will find these short visual tutorials helpful. If you do, don’t hesitate to give me some feedback. I will try and keep this PDF updated as much as I can.

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Inkscape Inkscape Forum Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials Helpful Hints for Inkscape - 200+ pages of step-by-step tutorials