Beginners' Questions slider missing?
  1. #1
    french_80 french_80 @french_80

    There is no slider between the palette bar and the status bar.
    Is it possible to make it appear?

  2. #2
    mendy mendy @mendy

    You didn't mention version but in 1.2 there was a change. Not sure of what asking about, maybe this?


  3. #3
    french_80 french_80 @french_80


    I am using version 1.2.
    ย I have watched several basic tutorial videos, some very old (but well explained and mostly in French ๐Ÿ˜‰) and some more recent, where this slider appears.
    ย I was wondering if its absence was due to the fact that I use the portable version of inkscape.
    ย Thank you for your answer and the link I put in my bookmarks.๐Ÿ™‚

  4. #4
    Domino22 Domino22 @Domino22

    Hello, it is amazing. the top box looks like the box linked in the FireFox Add on in order to modify the PNG format in other one as JPG...

    i.e "Save webP as PNG or JPEG"

    May be they have included this program in InkScape 1.2 ? i am using the 1.0 so i can not realy answer to this kind of problem ...?



    c est etonnant, cela ressemble a la boite generee par l AddOn de FireFox pour convertir des formats Webp en PNG ou JPG

    c est a dire "Save webP as PNG or JPEG"

    Peut etre ont ils inclu ce programme dans InkScape 1.2 ? j utilise la version 1.0 et je ne peux pas vraiment repondre a ce genre de probleme...?


  5. #5
    french_80 french_80 @french_80

    Hello Domino22

    mendy gave the answer: it's like that in version 1.2

    So my "problem" is solved ๐Ÿ˜‰
