Beginners' Questions Screen tearing when moving objects
  1. #1
    Kresimir Kresimir @kresimir235

    I'm having an issue with terrible screen tearing while moving and resizing objects, especially those with thicker strokes. Please see the screenshot in the attachment: it shows a rectangle with a thick stroke being moved (which, while it is being moved, does not look like a rectangle at all).

    This is only happening on my desktop computer, not on my laptop. Actually, it happens very slightly on the laptop too, but it is very fast and not noticeable and not a problem at all. On the my desktop computer, it is much more pronounced to the point of Inkscape being almost unusable. This is strange, because my desktop computer has more memory, a faster processor with more cores, and a better graphics card. I'm using Manjaro Linux with KDE Plasma on both computers.

    Thank you for any tips on how to troubleshoot this.


    Inkscape Tearing
Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Screen tearing when moving objects