Beginners' Questions Move an object according to the corner left top/bottom or the corner right top/bottom
  1. #1
    Imppao Imppao @imppao

    hi everyone
    I want to move an object according to an anchor point (top left, center, bottom left, right, etc.)
    example : If I click on th top left to my object, I can move my object on x=450px and y=450px
    point reference for move


  2. #2
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moiniβš–

    Does snapping to object bounding box corners and centers work for you?

  3. #3
    Imppao Imppao @imppao

    When I click on the top left of my object
    I want the X and Y information to change depending on this top corner left

    see image

  4. #4
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Geez, we're suddenly getting this question right and left lately!  The Inkscape coordinate system is unchangable (except with version 1.0, the origin can be changed).  It cannot be fixed for any particular object or any particular guide or any particular anything.

    However, maybe this is what you're looking for?  If the square object in your screenshot is a path, you can click on that node with the Node tool, and the control bar for the Node tool will show the coordinates for that node.  But if it's a rectangle shape, there's no way to find that coordinate -- at least not without doing a little math.

    Or....  Just re-reading your op, perhaps you could use a Guide?  Snap a guide to that square, and you could use another guide, relative to the first guide, to set the new location.

    Or you could change your workflow to work with Inkscape.  We got this request recently, if I recall correctly, from a former Corel user, who was upset that Inkscape did not work like Corel.  Inkscape just can't do this.

  5. #5
    Imppao Imppao @imppao

    Thanks all for your answer.
    Now it's clear :)

  6. #6
    Davide Romboli Davide Romboli @marwatt

    @brynn  Hi

    it is clear that if several people report this is because it is a somewhat bizarre way ...
    It would be much more useful to be able to choose which point to use (for me the center of rotation) in the horizontal and vertical selection coordinates.
    I have been waiting this for years...

  7. #7
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

  8. #8
    Davide Romboli Davide Romboli @marwatt



Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Move an object according to the corner left top/bottom or the corner right top/bottom