Beginners' Questions Is Inkscape compatible with MacOS Monterey 12.2? Or, should I update MacOS Big Sur instead?
  1. #1
    DCW Sales DCW Sales @dcwsales

    Hello all! I'm not necessarily a "newbie" when it comes to using Inkscape, but I am a newbie posting here, so I am not sure if this is the appropriate forum. (Tip #1 shown on this "new topic".) Normally I find the answers to my questions/issues with no problems...until today.

    I did search as many places as I could think of for my question in the forum (Tip #2), but it did not return any results. I also read the main page where it shows that macOS is compatible up to 12.0, so I might have already answered my question by knowing that info, but...

    Basically, my MacBook Air is starting to have issues with other programs because I am still on MacOS Mojave 10.14.6. (Tip #5.) My Office Suite programs (Excel, Word, etc.) are starting to glitch because they need to be updated, but they refuse to update without an OS update. I have two programs that I use all the time that I can't be without for my company: Inkscape and Graphtec Studio. 

    My main question...if I update the OS to Monterey (12.2) will it be an issue with Inkscape? Or, should I update to an older version, like Bug Sur (11.6.3), so that it remains within the "compatibility range"?

    I am currently using the most recent version of Inkscape, 1.1.1, that was installed on 9/22/21. (Tip #6, but I don't think the installer info is necessary because I am currently NOT having an issue with Inkscape.) I don't believe that any of the other tip numbers shown apply to my situation.

    My biggest concern is that I update the OS and then Inkscape does not jive, but I can't revert the OS.

    Any info/help would be greatly appreciated!! 

    Thanks! Dee

  2. #2
    crojack crojack @crojack

    Yes, Inkscape works on macOS Monterey.


  3. #3
    crojack crojack @crojack

    Also, you can always revert to an older MacOS. 

  4. #4
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonβš–πŸŒΆ

    Not with an actual machine.

  5. #5
    DCW Sales DCW Sales @dcwsales

    @crojack thank you! I was beginning to think that I would never get a response. I will run the update today!

    @Polygon thank you for the response, but I honestly have no idea what "Not with an actual machine" means AND why it was posted after the reply from @crojack. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

  6. #6
    crojack crojack @crojack

    @Polygon , I'm not sure what do you mean when you say 'not with the actual machine'.  

  7. #7
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonβš–πŸŒΆ

    If it's delivered with "Monterey" you can't go back any further, as I can't go to an earlier version than BigSur with my M1Mac.

  8. #8
    crojack crojack @crojack

    @dcwsales Just remember to change the color profile in Settings ---> Display to sRGB IEC61966-2.1. Otherwise Inkscape will be laggy and impossible to work with.

    And download the latest version of Inkscape, 1.1.2.

  9. #9
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonβš–πŸŒΆ

    @crojack I guess the Color Profile setting is valid for MacBooks + and iMacs with built in displays? Never heard of this "hack" before - is it Monterey specific? (IΒ΄m on a M1MacMini)

  10. #10
    crojack crojack @crojack

    @Polygon I am not sure about iMacs with built in displays and MacBookPros, but I can check it. I am running Hackintosh with an external AOC 33" display, Intel Xeon CPU, and Radeon Saphire RX570 GPU. I don't know if it's a bug in Monterey or Inkscape, but when you run Inkscape with the default colour profile then it's useless. Laggy and slow. When you change the colour profile to the above mentioned one, then Inkscape runs normally on Monterey.

  11. #11
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonβš–πŸŒΆ

    Great if not phenomenal finding though! πŸ‘

  12. #12
    DCW Sales DCW Sales @dcwsales

    @crojack Thank you so much! I will screenshot your info and will implement the tweaks. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten to update the OS quite yet. I tried on the day I told you I would do it, but my memory was/is too full. I'm working on "unloading" some files to an external drive and will hopefully be able to update everything by the end of the week. Much appreciated that you took the time to help me out! πŸ’–

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Is Inkscape compatible with MacOS Monterey 12.2? Or, should I update MacOS Big Sur instead?