Beginners' Questions How to avoid excessive outlines/lines on exported layers made from imported image?
  1. #1
    Buddy B Buddy B @buddyb

    Hi everyone. I am trying to create a multi-layer colored stencil from an imported image.  However,  my exported layer files have excessive outlines/lines (see attached image). Manually editing these files is extremally tedious and I'm hoping there is a way to prevent this?  I have looked through the manual, googled, prayed to any god that would listen, but I don't know what to call the problem in order to find info about it. The source file is any image file in png format.  These are the steps that I follow to create the multi-layer colored stencil from the imported png file:

    路         Import the png file

    路         Go to Path, Trace Bitmap

    路         Choose smooth option and stack scan off

    路         I finalize the image and ungroup the layers

    路         Choose the layer menu and add the appropriate number of layers

    路         Once finalized, I switch all layers on (cntrl+alt+a) choose the object menu and delete the image in the layers window (I import the svg files into cricut design space which cannot read image files).

    路         I save the file and exit.

    When I open the layer files in cricut design space, the layers have all these outlines that sort of reverberate out with each layer (see attached file).

    I'm using 64 bit Windows 11, Inkscape 1.2 downloaded with the .exe file, Regular Windows PC computer (no special hardware). I had an older version of inkscape on a different computer and had this issue as well.

    Any help would be appreicated.

    Thanks, Buddy

  2. #2
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    The three images you posted are all typical outputs from the Trace Bitmap dialog. Obviously you're not happy with these, but it's not clear what you want to achieve. If you post an image showing your desired destination, I'll try to help you get there. 

  3. #3
    Buddy B Buddy B @buddyb

    Hi, Paddy_CAD, thank you for your patience and for taking the time to help me. So, I take images (see Diagram 1) like the one on the left, import them into Inkscape, export the layers and turn them into stencil art like the image on the right.

    However, instead of painting the stencils, I cut the shapes out using cardstock (heavy construction paper) and glue them down in layers (Diagram 2 - close up of final stencil).

    So, the individual features of the layer need to be big enough to be able to be cut out and glued. If not, I edit these small features by either deleting, combining, or altering them as in Diagram 3 below (on the left is the Inkscape export, and on the right are post edits that I made).

    While the editing process is a necessary evil, as tedious as it may be, the current method I'm using to import images and export layers require hours of work editing "outlines" for each individual layer (below in Diagram 4 are 4 layers of a 10-layer piece).

    Deleting these lines altogether takes a serious amount of time and also leaves considerable gaps in the final product.

    I apologize for not knowing the correct verbiage to explain this, but what I'm hoping is that there is a way I can get Inkscape to make layers with shapes only (no outlines that repeat in each layer) or to reduce the number of lines/outlines in the exported layers.

    As an aside, I also use While a very limited program, the layers it produces don't contain outlines like the above and only require a reasonable amount of editing. I prefer to use Inkscape, which provides much more options, but I am hoping to figure out a way to cut down on all the editing required to address the lines/outlines.

    p.s. I also attached a pdf of my response with the diagrams (and sorry about the "diagrams", I'm a nerd and can't help it..馃榿




    4 Diagram
    3 Diagram
    2 Diagram
    1 Diagram
Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions How to avoid excessive outlines/lines on exported layers made from imported image?