Describe the source of the file: created with Inkscape, downloaded, imported from another program, etc.
Describe the specific steps you took, the result you expected, and the result that actually happened.
Describe your OS (your computer's Operating System: Mac/Windows/Linux/etc. & version).
Describe if Inkscape was newly installed, or upgraded from an earlier version.
Describe the version of Inkscape and the installer you used (the file you downloaded from the web: .msi/.exe/.zip/appimage/other, PPA/Snap/Flatpak, dmg/other ).
Describe any special hardware being used, like tablet/stylus, external drives or multiple monitors.
Describe any helper/assistive programs or keyboard modifiers (macros, languages, etc.).
无法打开软件,提示 unspecified fatal error encountered aborting,这个问题该如何解决呢?
Way to less information.
Bonus points, if you: