Inkscape Stroke Font Extensions

Khemadeva .Inkscape Stroke Font Extensions

Khemadeva .

With this set of extensions, users can - create their own stroke fonts - edit these or other fonts stored in the stroke font format - Render text using the stroke fonts with various options like flow in Rectangle, justified text etc. The font file format is the same used in Inkscape 1.0 Hershey Text extension, so the files created with this extension are compatible with the 1.0 Hershey Text render engine. Also, the fonts that come with 1.0 Hershey Text Extension can be edited with these extensions. Download location: File Name: Video Tutorials:

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Color Label

christophfinkColor Label


adds text labels with the fill colour value of each selected feature

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Csv Fun

inklineaCsv Fun


csv fun Appears in Extensions>Text Inkscape Extension - ** Requires Inkscape 1.1+ ** Nothing exciting, just very basic csv importing Would recommend quoting all values in the export options of Excel or Libreoffice Calc.

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Ids to text elements

whidevIds to text elements


A simple Inkscape extension that lets you extract attributes (like id) from all selected paths, and show them as <text> elements inside the paths. Useful for when you want to have all paths' id shown on the SVG document as <text> nodes. You can also use it for other path attributes, like `label`, `fill`, `stroke`, `width`, `height`. Available under the Extensions > Text submenu. Check the extension's repo on GitHub for examples. Options for styling and formatting the text: Font size in pixels Color (the fill color of the <text> elements) Font (should be installed on the system) Font Weight (should be supported by the selected font) Angle (controls the rotation of the generated <text> elements, in degrees) Options for further editing the extracted text (only used with id and label attributes): Text to replace (a simple replace function to remove characters you may not want from the text) Match Regular Expression (matches the extracted text of each path to a regular expression and uses the result on the path, e.g. if the id is `Province_055` and this field `\d+`, the text on the path will be just `055`) Capitalize (capitalize all text) Group paths with the generated text elements (if checked, also group the path with its text label) Note: only works on <path> elements. If you have a <circle>, <rectangle>, <text>, etc., first use Object > Object to Path to convert it. For Inkscape v0.92 and before, you should check the extension's repository on GitHub.

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TexText allows to add and re-edit LaTeX/ XeLaTeX/ LuaLaTeX/ typst generated SVG elements to your drawing. A fully functional LaTeX distribution and or typst installation must be installed on your system! Most recent version is TexText 1.11.0 from 2025-01-06. It is compatible with Inkscape 1.4.x. For Inkscape 1.3.x goto For Inkscape 1.2.x, 1.1.x, and 1.0. goto Extensive installation instructions and extension documentation can be found at For manual installation from this site: Download and place its content (i.e. the folder textext with all its files inside) into the Inkscape extension directory. Or load the zip-file via Inkscape's extension manager (experimental). Sourcecode and bug reports: This extension is a direct continuation of the discontinued TexText 0.4.4 developed by Pauli Virtanen (

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Inkscape artist signature

robinm3Inkscape artist signature


# Inkscape Artist Signature An extension for Inkscape artists to put their name in their art >About This project is pretty new and for sure it's not perfect and has some issues, but I hope to make it better and for it to actually be useful one day. >Features For now, you can: - Choose your artist name - Choose text size - Choose text font - Select an image and choose where you want to put it on your image(there are options for each corner and the center) - Pick the color you want your signature to be in - Choose a social media preset that formats your name as this social media's username style >How to use ? 1. Download the zip file / clone the repository 2. Extract the zip 3. Put the two artist_signature files(the .inx and .py ones) in your inkscape extensions directory 4. Open Inkscape and you'll find the extension in >extension/artist 5. Select your image/drawing 6. Put your artist name, choose text size, text font and text placement. Change text color and social media too if you want! 7. Click apply. Done! You have your signature!

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Ellen WasbøOpenclosedpath

Ellen Wasbø

This extension will open up closed paths by removing all z-commands from the selected paths. My purpose: to use single line svg-fonts as otf/ttf/opf fonts. These font formats require closed paths and will add a closing command to the glyphs. This closing can be removed by converting the text to paths, ungroup and then using this extension.

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LaTeXText: Render LaTeX in Inkscape

seebkLaTeXText: Render LaTeX in Inkscape


This Inkscape extension searches all text elements in a document and renders them with PdfLatex. The rendered text will appear at the same position as the original text and may contain Latex commands and math formula. Modifications of the source text will be considered when the extension is executed again. As the rendered text is added to a new layer, the original document content is not touched and you can always wipe out all modifications from this extension by simply deleting the created layer. Download from:

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Get and set glyph IDs

Ellen WasbøGet and set glyph IDs

Ellen Wasbø

A previous extension ( is now updated for Inkscape v1.1 with some extra features. This extension is used together with the Custom Stroke Font extension to streamline the process of font creating. There are two extensions; get and setGlyphIDs. The getGlyphIDs will fetch all path ids for the glyphs when editing an existing svg-font. The process of editing the paths frequently mess up the path ids and the order of the paths. Then the fetched IDs (or a custom string input) can be used with the setGlyphIDs when the font template is ready to generate the new svg-font. When using the setGlyphIDs, the individual characters of the string is set as path ids for the glyphs left to right as seen on screen (use one row when generating the font template from Custom Stroke Font). Known issue: If a glyph have path id " (doublequote) the extension might fail. Temporarly change that path id to something else (f.x. 'temp') and it should work.

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Typst is a markdown-based typesetting system comparable to LaTeX but much easier to learn. This extension renders typst code to svg and inserts it into your Inkscape document. Notes: - This extension will be part of Inkscape by default, most likely starting with Inkscape 1.4. Until then you need to install it as described below. - This extension just inserts a formula into your document. If you need to edit your formulas try the TexText extension, which also supports typst: Installation instructions (2 possibilities): A) Installation via Inkscape's Extension Manager 1. Download the zip file 2. Launch Inkscape and open "Extensions" - "Manage Extensions..." 3. Select "Install Packages" and then click on the disk button 4. Select the downloaded zip file and close the extension manager. 5. Restart Inkscape. You will find the extension under "Extensions"- "Text" - "Typst Formula..." B) Manual installation 1. Download the zip file 2. Extract its content into Linux, Mac: ~/.config/inkscape/extensions Windows: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions 3. Restart Inkscape. You will find the extension under "Extensions"- "Text" - "Typst Formula..."

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NTC - Create Color Code

Rania AminaNTC - Create Color Code

Rania Amina

NTC is an Inkscape extension that generates color information (HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL, HSV) for a selected object. Demo:

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Draw Rectangle Extension

egonomDraw Rectangle Extension



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DiacriticCriticize is a text exploration and transformation tool. It operates by changing the selected text letter-by-letter, either by adding random diacritic marks, by pulling random characters from not-so-common alphabets and text encodings, or both.

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Quran ID

NesteroQuran ID


Extenssions untuk generate ayat al quran dengan terjemahan indonesia

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