Beginners' Questions Why circle/round shape width and height is different
  1. #1
    nihon94 nihon94 @nihon94

    Some years back in older version of Inkscape  I had designed some, but then the problem I often faced was the circle shaped object's width and heights were not same.

    In newer version (inkscape-1.2.2_2022-12-09_732a01da63-x64) of Inkscape I am trying to make the width and height same of those old designs but can not do.

    For reference attaching image (created when I was learning)

    Any help/advice and suggestion will be much appreciated.

    Thank you



  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Do you hold down ctrl-key while dragging out a circle to maintain height+width aligned?

  3. #3
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    The lock in the Select Tool controls can also be set to maintain proportion (or not) when transforming.

  4. #4
    nihon94 nihon94 @nihon94

    I often use Ctrl* Shift when to maintain proportion.

    Lock in the select tool? how could I find it?

    Thank you

  5. #5
    David248 David248 @David248

    Use selector tool. In tool control bar, the locker icon is just next to width W and height H fields.


  6. #6
    nihon94 nihon94 @nihon94

    Hi thank you all for the reply.

    This is what I did. (refer screen shot) On the tool bar inserted the desired Height example 500 then locked and pressed Enter but some time the height changed such as 501 or 506.

    Strangely sometime it worked fine.

    Thank you to all who have replied.

    Inkscape Width Height Locker
Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Why circle/round shape width and height is different