Beginners' Questions How to add new template to the Screen selection?
  1. #1
    H0PE H0PE @H0PE


    Tried to search on forum, couldn't find a solution for this.

    Would like to create a new Screen size that is visible in the new/Screen section.

    3440x1440, 1440p.

    How can I do that please?



  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    Not sure: "Screen size"? Canvas or page? "1440p" means what exactly?

  3. #3
    H0PE H0PE @H0PE

    See screenshot. I just want to select a different screen size (not page). 1440p is pretty standard too, I have such screen size but it's missing from the list so I would like to add it to my selection.

    Screenshot 2024 12 11 At 18.34.18
  4. #4
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    You can go Document Properties and adjust Width/Height etc then go File->Save Templateโ€ฆ give a name etc and it will appear at File->New from Template->Custom->

  5. #5
    H0PE H0PE @H0PE

    Thank you @Polygon, thought I can add to the given tab in templates but this is very good too! ๐Ÿ˜

  6. #6
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    I asked in the Chat and @Inklinea came up with this:

    ` <inkscape:_templateinfo>

    <inkscape:_name>Zine Booklet (A4)</inkscape:_name>

    <inkscape:label>297 ร— 210 mm</inkscape:label>

    <inkscape:author>Maren Hachmann</inkscape:author>

    <inkscape:_shortdesc>A foldable one page booklet (A4)</inkscape:_shortdesc>






    That's an example from an Inkscape core template. If you edit your own template with a text editor you can add <inkscape:category>Print</inkscape:category> for example to the template block

    Inkscape has to be restarted



    • Thanks again!



    • #7
      H0PE H0PE @H0PE

      @Polygon Thanks for going the extra mile! Appreciate it! ๐Ÿ˜

    Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions How to add new template to the Screen selection?