Beginners' Questions Help with Trace
  1. #1
    ken ken @holtsie


    A friend of mine wants me to cut a decal for an old company that he worked for. They have been out of business 20 yrs, so the image he provided is not very good and not clear. 

    I'm having an issue when I trace bitmap since the edges of the logo are not clearly defined. Is there a way I can get the trace to look more like the original? 

    I have attached images.

    "Issues.png" The top is original, and the lower is my trace. As you can see it's pretty wonky. The edges are not square and look rounded in places.

    The second image "Original" is what he provided me. 

    Thanks in advance! 

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    I'd either redraw the glyphs, or find and modify similar fonts. "eurostyle font" might be a good place to start searching for free fonts.

  3. #3
    mendy mendy @mendy

    I would go with @TylerDurden s suggestion.

    Below is red image overlaid on your original. Used Eurostile Extended font for both. EIP just quickly changed stroke width and fit over your image. Other was just quick stretch, didn't bother to finalize on my end. Changed kerning. Don't fall into have to be perfect as there is nothing to compare with. (no ruler police)  Had various CAT machines and the CAT was different between machines and they have the exact font but supplied by multiple suppliers. In replacing just a damaged letter would have to get fairly close so as to cover the faded paint below. Another method in image is bezier rough shape (bottom), quick node edit. Done over a reduced opacity of your image.