Beginners' Questions A chain of small segments appears when dividing a shape
  1. #1
    Mikael Mikael @Raaskot

    When dividing a shape with a curved stroke (b-tool) on top the result is a chain of small segments in the border zone. Can I avoid this and get a true vector-curved division?

    Kind regards, Raaskot


  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    That´s how Division works most of the time - but you can select all nodes between from the left and right anchor points and delete and Inkscape (I believe there´s a setting in Preferences) will maintain the curvature. Or use any other Path operation like Path->Difference for instance.

  3. #3
    Mikael Mikael @Raaskot

    Very good :) Thanks a lot!

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions A chain of small segments appears when dividing a shape