Creating New Extensions can't find '__main__' module in resoved
  1. #1
    costycnc costycnc @costycnc

    "can't find '__main__' module in " error can be when extensions have same id in inx file

    another commom error TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

    because is not only spaces --- have some tab spaces

    shure --- is for inkscape 1.2 --- for now and for me is error that not find more esplicit forums about this --- for this idecided to open a post that i hope in future search i find this post ... because i make a pause from inkscape 0.92 when problems was with tab ... now i ee that is space ... and if make another pause ... i hope that find this post for remember the base error for inkscape.

    Also  hope that can be util another people that can buld extension.

    Here is minimal extension for inkscape 1.2 that also not find anywhere in this mode very sample.

  2. #2
    Soldersniffer Soldersniffer @Soldersniffer

    Thank you. I couldn't have found the fault with my extensions without this posting. :)

  3. #3
    crivar crivar @crivar

    Hey @costycnc. I'm getting the same error "can't find '__main__' module in ".

    Can you please let me know which while to edit in order to solve this ? You mentioned 'the extensions have same id in inx' but  i'm not sure which one your are refering to. 

    Thanks in advance.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Creating New Extensions can't find '__main__' module in resoved