Using Inkscape with Cutters/Plotters Why is Win32 Vector Print not present with my version 0.92.7 64 bit.
  1. #1
    Dakar33 Dakar33 @Dakar33

    We recently purchased a Universal Laser Systems engraver. I'm trying to create files an learn to use it. Through my trial and error I found out that when printing to the laser all paths ended up rastering instead of vector cutting. Through a bunch of googling I found out that this is a know bug and that I should use Win32 Vector Print to export the files. Well that wasn't working at all. Through more research I found out that I have to install version 0.92 for Win32 Vector Print to work. So downloaded the zip for it and extracted it. To my surprise it isn't even there. My question, am I doing something wrong? How do I get the Win32 Vector Print extension to show up?


  2. #2
    Dakar33 Dakar33 @Dakar33

    BTW... I'm running on Window 10. I checked the installed extensions directory and the appropriate files are in there. Do you have to have a specific version of Python loaded on my PC? I have 3.7 loaded for other development work unrelated to Inkscape. I don't anticipate this to be the issue as there is a Python directory in the install directory with py.exe so I assume it is all self contained. 

  3. #3
    Patrick Storz Patrick Storz @Ede_123

    Which version of Inkscape are you trying to use (0.92.7 does not exist...)?

    I suspect you might have a broken installation. Have you extracted the 7z file into an empty directory?

    Have you verified you're actually running the extracted version of Inkscape and not some other version?

  4. #4
    Dakar33 Dakar33 @Dakar33

    I've downloaded and extracted versions 0.92.5 and 0.92.4 and neither worked. I extracted each into there own directory and verified the versions via the Help menu when I opened them. I really need to get this working or Inkscape isn't going to be very useful for laser design. 

  5. #5
    Dakar33 Dakar33 @Dakar33

    Ok, I've installed version on 0.92.5 on a different PC and I can get it to work fine. Unfortunately that is a desktop so I can't really move that out to the garage every time I want to print. My question is, what could cause the Win32 Vector Print to not show up in the extensions? It appears that the correct files are in the extension folder... I've uninstalled Python, all versions of inkscape and restarted multiple times. Any help would be much appreciated. This is driving me crazy.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Using Inkscape with Cutters/Plotters Why is Win32 Vector Print not present with my version 0.92.7 64 bit.