Jumping ahead a bit: with the addition of the Extensions Gallery in v 1.4, how does a one add a pictograph on custom extensions? Is this something that is done through the .inx file, or will it happen just by virtue of having a correspondingly named .svg file in the folder with the custom code?
Inkscape developers primarily use the Devel mailing list to communicate, so that's the best place to discuss. You can also find developers on their chat channel. And the developers who answer your message on the mailing list or chat can give you any further info you might need. (They tend not to visit the forum, so you really do need to contact them in those places.)
Jumping ahead a bit: with the addition of the Extensions Gallery in v 1.4, how does a one add a pictograph on custom extensions? Is this something that is done through the .inx file, or will it happen just by virtue of having a correspondingly named .svg file in the folder with the custom code?
Inkscape developers primarily use the Devel mailing list to communicate, so that's the best place to discuss. You can also find developers on their chat channel. And the developers who answer your message on the mailing list or chat can give you any further info you might need. (They tend not to visit the forum, so you really do need to contact them in those places.)