I reported the same issue on my HP laptop, using Windows 10. Other common key shortcuts, such as Ctrl & D for normal duplication, Page Up and Down to raise and lower objects, also do not work. This "issue" of common, normal keyboard functions, only has happened/does happen when I use version 1.1. No prior versions for me. I reported this weeks ago. (Also, I checked and changed out my keyboards, and no other software I use has this problem occuring. Only version 1.1 in Inkscape.)
This is frustrating for me, and I am sure other Inkscape users.
I know the developers are working on various things. But to me, standard keyboard functioning should be important in the list. Perhaps, if more folks report this, it will get some traction, be researched, and solved soon.
When I tried to create a bug report to upload, the program crashed.
It has been reported by others as bug # 5058. Aside from the details I shared in the above link, I experienced the same ones mentioned by marciosg4, Lincoln City Gifts, and Pedro Henrique Dereira. I followed the trouble shooting guidance shared by Adam Bellis and Nathan Lee. The same erratic keyboard problems existed.
I un-installed and re-installed version 1.1 several times in the 7z format. I have never installed using the msi or the exe installers, as that would mean to remove a few earlier versions I have (0.92.4 and 1.01).
That was to be my next intended step - removing every Inkscape version and doing a fresh install of 1.1 using the exe package.
Before doing that, I thought I would re-create the preferences.xml once again as I had done weeks ago, and look at the default.xml and inkscape.xml files, and re-try running the current 1.1 version that is in place.
As mentioned in the bug 5058 details, I noticed something I had never "noticed" before. When I did have Caps Locks on, and interacted with objects, the keyboard shortcut functions went quirky. I could not use Ctrl and D to duplicate, could not delete using the Delete key, etc. I could only do these actions (and others) by using other menu options or right clicking on the mouse. Even if I turned off the Caps Lock, it seemed every object was "tainted" and interfered with by having previously enabled the Caps Lock. It was only after deleting every object I had previously created while the Caps Lock was engaged, and turning off the Caps Lock, that I can now utilize Inkscape - with the keyboard functions working.
I shut down Inkscape 1.1 and restarted it, making sure the Caps Lock is not on, and can monkey around Inkscape, so far, with no hiccup. I only played with Inkscape 1.1 about 10 minutes ago before posting this.
It does seem the Caps Lock is the culprit, or at least a major one.
I will continue to test things over the next few days and report back the results.
Sorry to be so long-winded here, but I figure these details may help others, including the developers.
The developers don't generally read these fora, so if there is a repeatable sequence that shows the erratic behavior, the tracker is the place to report it.
Hey i had the same issue, i just pressed "Fn" function key and "Delete" button .. that kind of resolved it for me, hope it resolves for you , i know its annoying.
We are a small business and depend on Inkscape as we can't afford commercial software.
But this bug is really affecting productivity and annoying the staff, so we are back to 1.01, forgoing all the 'cool' new features of 1.1 in favour of smooth productivity, and happy staff..
I tried what Naresh Kumar @aryan.moksha suggested and it worked for me too. I suggest you try the fn+delete (or fn+any other key that didn't work so far), because they all work for me. After fn+ the first time, then it works without fn subsequently. Please try it and thanks very much @Naresh Kumar :)
I can confirm this is still an ongoing issue. This morning I tried to edit a SVG file, and delete worked once, and then never again. By menu, delete key, cut, keyboard shortcuts, the whole smash. Closing and re-opening fixed the issue.
Just so you will know. There is a version 1.21 and 1.22 and in beta now, a version 1.3. With the likelihood in about a week of the official 1.3 release. These more current versions may be less troublesome and more useful to you.
I just installed Inkscape 1.1 for windows 10, 64 bit.
I noticed that the Delete key works only once each time I start the program.
Thereafter it stops working and one has to use the right-click menu to delete anything.
(I thought my keyboard was faulty :D )
Is this behaviour recorded as a bug ?
I can't confirm the problem. If restarting the programme doesn't help, try restarting the computer.
greetings draupnir.
Yes, I tried that.
But the issue is still there.
I reported the same issue on my HP laptop, using Windows 10. Other common key shortcuts, such as Ctrl & D for normal duplication, Page Up and Down to raise and lower objects, also do not work. This "issue" of common, normal keyboard functions, only has happened/does happen when I use version 1.1. No prior versions for me. I reported this weeks ago. (Also, I checked and changed out my keyboards, and no other software I use has this problem occuring. Only version 1.1 in Inkscape.)
This is frustrating for me, and I am sure other Inkscape users.
I know the developers are working on various things. But to me, standard keyboard functioning should be important in the list. Perhaps, if more folks report this, it will get some traction, be researched, and solved soon.
Link to the bug report?
Hi, Tyler. I reported on this weeks ago, as a topic at
When I tried to create a bug report to upload, the program crashed.
It has been reported by others as bug # 5058. Aside from the details I shared in the above link, I experienced the same ones mentioned by marciosg4, Lincoln City Gifts, and Pedro Henrique Dereira. I followed the trouble shooting guidance shared by Adam Bellis and Nathan Lee. The same erratic keyboard problems existed.
I un-installed and re-installed version 1.1 several times in the 7z format. I have never installed using the msi or the exe installers, as that would mean to remove a few earlier versions I have (0.92.4 and 1.01).
That was to be my next intended step - removing every Inkscape version and doing a fresh install of 1.1 using the exe package.
Before doing that, I thought I would re-create the preferences.xml once again as I had done weeks ago, and look at the default.xml and inkscape.xml files, and re-try running the current 1.1 version that is in place.
As mentioned in the bug 5058 details, I noticed something I had never "noticed" before. When I did have Caps Locks on, and interacted with objects, the keyboard shortcut functions went quirky. I could not use Ctrl and D to duplicate, could not delete using the Delete key, etc. I could only do these actions (and others) by using other menu options or right clicking on the mouse. Even if I turned off the Caps Lock, it seemed every object was "tainted" and interfered with by having previously enabled the Caps Lock. It was only after deleting every object I had previously created while the Caps Lock was engaged, and turning off the Caps Lock, that I can now utilize Inkscape - with the keyboard functions working.
I shut down Inkscape 1.1 and restarted it, making sure the Caps Lock is not on, and can monkey around Inkscape, so far, with no hiccup. I only played with Inkscape 1.1 about 10 minutes ago before posting this.
It does seem the Caps Lock is the culprit, or at least a major one.
I will continue to test things over the next few days and report back the results.
Sorry to be so long-winded here, but I figure these details may help others, including the developers.
Thank you.
The developers don't generally read these fora, so if there is a repeatable sequence that shows the erratic behavior, the tracker is the place to report it.
For those who wish to contribute to the report, here is an actual link: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/-/issues/5058 .
Hey i had the same issue, i just pressed "Fn" function key and "Delete" button .. that kind of resolved it for me, hope it resolves for you , i know its annoying.
Make sure you don´t have "Caps-lock" on.
OK, I'm back to using version 1.01.
We are a small business and depend on Inkscape as we can't afford commercial software.
But this bug is really affecting productivity and annoying the staff, so we are back to 1.01, forgoing all the 'cool' new features of 1.1 in favour of smooth productivity, and happy staff..
-- Royce
I tried what Naresh Kumar @aryan.moksha suggested and it worked for me too. I suggest you try the fn+delete (or fn+any other key that didn't work so far), because they all work for me. After fn+ the first time, then it works without fn subsequently. Please try it and thanks very much @Naresh Kumar :)
Also just noticed that, if CAPS LOCK is on, then the fn+ doesn't work, so make sure it is off.
See reply #10
If you have to keep CAPS-LOCK off anyway, then why bother with Fn key at all ?
With CAPS LOCK off , Delete, Pgup, Pgdn etc work anyway (with or without the Fn key)
The whole point is that fiddling with the CAP LOCK key every time you want to use a shortcut is slowing down the user.
One of the developers diagnosed it as a bug.
I'm happy to observe that this bug (Single Key shortcuts stop working with Caps-Lock On) has been fixed in 1.1.1
Thanks to the developers!
I can confirm this is still an ongoing issue. This morning I tried to edit a SVG file, and delete worked once, and then never again. By menu, delete key, cut, keyboard shortcuts, the whole smash. Closing and re-opening fixed the issue.
Just so you will know. There is a version 1.21 and 1.22 and in beta now, a version 1.3. With the likelihood in about a week of the official 1.3 release. These more current versions may be less troublesome and more useful to you.